Waste Disposal Services
Medi-WasteTransport Solutions provides Florida’s regulated medical waste generators with comprehensive biomedical infectious waste collection, transport and disposal services. Medi-Waste customers include but are not limited to hospitals, medical clinics, dentists, physicians, laboratories, nursing homes, funeral homes, home health agencies, veterinary clinics, surgery centers, police departments, fire departments and other municipal agencies.
We specializes in collecting and disposing of all forms of Bio-hazard medical waste. Our primary goal is to provide an affordable, reliable option handling your medical waste while complying with state and local regulations. All containers transported to our facilities for disposal and treatment are counted and weighted to ensure proper tracking and confirmation of destruction of waste as required by state and local laws. We offer same-day biohazards waste removal or regularly scheduled medical waste collection in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.
- Regulated Medical Waste, sharp containers and pharmaceutical waste disposal services
- Variety of Containers: From 15 gallon or 30 gallon medical waste boxes with red biohazard bag liners, up to 96 gallon to 200 gallon containers for the larger facilities
- No Long Term Contracts, No hidden fees or fuel surcharges- 30 day clause out agreement
- Custom Service Schedule: * Daily * Weekly * BI-Weekly *Monthly
- Flexible Billing: Set monthly rate or per container rate
- Florida Department of Health and OSHA compliance programs
- 24 Hour emergency pickup service available
- Bloodborne Pathogens Employee Training and Certification Program
- Full Tracking Documentation of Disposal & Destruction
- Simply stated, we are respecful of our customers needs and work to meet them ensuring satisfaction.
- We understand that you are reliying on us to handle effectively and efficiently your medical waste.
- Affordability does not mean compromised reliability. Our state of the art computer systems ensure you are serviced on a set schedule keeping you in compliance.
- Our tracking systems document compliance at every level. From individual service site, to service date, to manifest number, to destruction date.
- We immediately notify you of any medical waste issues, individual site or individual patient needs that you may not be aware off giving you an extra pair of eyes and ears out in the field.
- Our team is fully trained, licensed at all required levels and insured.