OSHA Compliance and Training
OSHA compliance training is an important aspect of your business. OSHA issued Bloodborne Pathogens Standards for anyone who may come in contact with blood, human blood products, potentially infectious body fluids or potentially infectious materials as part of their job. These regulations intend to help you (the employer) and workers reduce on the job hazards, preventing injury, illness and death in the workplace.
Medi-Waste Transport Solutions helps you remain in compliance through compliance partners offering :
- ON LINE Bloodborne Pathogens training
- ON LINE DOT Hazmat Training or
- ON SITE Compliance Program including Bloodborne Pathogens training, site inspection, labeling and HIPPA
Keep your employees safe from blood borne pathogens with OSHA healthcare regulations.
Additional information for ON SITE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM via Email: [email protected]
- Did you know that OSHA Inspections are:
- Conducted without advance notice
- On-site inspections, or Phone/Fax investigations
- Use Highly-trained compliance officers
See Fact Sheet on OSHA Inspections
Occupational Safety & Health Administration: Regulations (Standards – 29 CFR) 1910.1030 http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=standards&p_id=10051