Where You Live – State Medical Waste Programs and Regulations
Where You Live - State Medical Waste Programs and Regulations. Medical waste disposal is primarily regulated at the state level. To determine what laws apply in your state, use the map below or scroll down the page for links to information about state medical waste regulations and programs. There are approximately 38,000 facilities in Florida that generate biomedical waste. These include hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, laboratories, funeral homes, dentists, veterinarians, physicians, ...
Hazardous Waste Disposal in Hialeah, Florida
Hazardous Waste Disposal in Hialeah, Florida. We have found that nearly all businesses in every industry have some hazardous waste within their property. The bad thing about hazardous waste is that it may not seem harmful at first, but some of the health problems take a while to begin showing up. Having hazardous materials within your Hialeah, FL building can also result in your business being fined on top of potentially putting employees’ ...
Healthcare Waste FAQs
Healthcare Waste FAQ. Who should use medical waste containers? A. Medical waste generators: Medical waste is regulated by both the federal and state government. Any employer who generates medical waste should utilize regulatory compliant sharps disposal and destruction methods. Home self-injectors: Individuals who self-inject must properly dispose of their sharps to protect family and community members from risk of injury and infection. EPA Guidelines on proper destruction by homeowners can ...
Save up to 30% on Medical Waste Removal
Save up to 30% on Medical Waste Removal. Medi-Waste Transport Solutions Disposal specializes in the proper disposal of biohazard waste, which includes “red bag” or “soft” medical waste and sharps disposal. We focus on making our medical waste management services flexible, compliant, and convenient, so you can focus on your core business. Disposal of regulated medical waste has been our business since 1989. As a provider of medical waste disposal services, protecting ...